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Product interaction - generate - AAARedmi 3 gold final_google_apps

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there are eleven buttons on this screen. they make up three rows of three buttons with the last row comprising of two buttons. top left about 3 cm from the top edge voice search. right is gmail, right is maps. below is play music, left is drive, left is you tube, below is play movie, right is hangouts, right is photos. there is no button under photos . settings is under hangouts and left is chrome The battery button is in the very top right of the screen about 1cm from the top edge of the phone and about 0,5 cm from the right. On the left is a button which tells you if you are on 3g or 4 g and what your signal strength is, in bars. Below that is the google bar which is about 2 cm from the top and stretches from the left to the right of the screen. The bar is about 1 cm thick. Below that is the time button.  below that is the calendar button. It is quite small and needs accuracy. There are 9 widgets on the screen. each one is about 1 cm by 1 cm and are equespaced from left to right in 3 layers This page the history and how much space is available on the phone browser link time button link camera link security link themes link tools link settings link contacts gallery link google link date link google web search link messaging link phone link play store back button home button menu button camera Messaging Google Security tools settings a quick link to the search engine google Current time nine minutes past seven. double tap to enter clock app back button Friday 23 December Contacts Phone Browser play store gallery themes

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