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Product interaction - Xiaomi redme 3 gold

front view homescreen background recent contacts landing page keyboard cover menu options landing page auto ip landing_page block list landing page menu settings landing page unknown contact menu x contact landing page create new contact page add to existing contacts add to existing contacts page x x x x x x x x x x back button x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x back button home button show menu button. bottom left of screen about half cm from left and 1.5 cm from bottom contacts found on the right in the top bar about 1.5 cm from the top quick contact button. this button is found about 4cm from the top edge and 1 cm from the left edge of the phone. call history details button is about 4 cm from the top edge and half a cm from the right edge back button open dial pad button is in the bottom right of the screen about 1.5 cm from the bottom and half cm from the right adge auto ip dialing. found in the bottom left of the screen about 2 cm from the bottom edge and 1 cm from the left of the screen. blocklist. found at the bottom of the screen about 3 cm from the bottom edge and in the center settings. found to the right of the screen about 3 cm from the bottom right and half cm from the right side of the screen back button x contact menu button back button back button create a new contact. this button is found at the bottom of the screen about 4 cm from the bottom edge. just above add to an existing add to an existing contact is found about 3 cm from the bottom edge just below create a new contact back button sign into an account button import contacts from file button import using mi mover create a new contact xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x back arrow x x This button takes you to a page where you can view your contacts this button takes you to a page that has a list of short cuts to various shortcuts This takes you to the search engine google the tools page shows 12 different icons thgat let you open a compass fm radio this takes you to the play store on this page you can change almost everything about the phone a quick link to the search engine google the time button is found about 3 cm from the top of the phone on the left this button takes you to the camera This button opens a page where you can check your recent calls or contacts and make a phone call This button takes you to the messaging page this takes you to a page where you can check and clean data this page takes you to where your photos are stored here you can change the various themes and wallpapers takes you back to the home screen this takes you to the calendar and diary. The button is found just bellow the time button